RankNow.AI - Review and Rating of Prompt with Screenshots

RankNow.AI - Review and Rating of Prompt with Screenshots

Get the rating and reviews (with screenshots) of RankNow.AI with step-by-step installation and usage procedure.

In this review article, you will get:
  1. Learn about a new browser extension called RankNow.AI and how it can be used to make keyword research and content creation easier and more convenient. 

  2. Get step-by-step instructions on how to install and use RankNow.AI, complete with screenshots and explanations for each stage of the process. 

  3. Get an honest and thorough review of RankNow.AI based on their experience using the product, including its strengths, weaknesses, and potential for improvement. This will help you make an informed decision about whether to try RankNow.AI for yourself.

RankNow.AI Review Installation Guide

What is RankNow.AI?

RankNow.ai, launched in March 2023, is a browser extension that works on top of OpenAI ChatGPT and provides curated lists of chatGPT prompts. These prompts are pre-engineered. This means when you apply them, you do not know what is exactly going on behind the scenes, giving you a piece of mind and letting you focus only on the task that you need to perform on ChatGPT. 

Apart from the fact that these prompts are pre-engineered, these prompts also communicate with keywords stats API so that you can do your keyword research within ChatGPT's interface.

Let's explore RankNow AI.

How to Install RankNow.AI?

  1. Go to RankNow.AI's website.
    The homepage is displayed with the link to RankNow Extension.

    ranknow extension homepage

  2. Click Install Extension and complete the installation steps.
    After installation, the ChatGPT page is automatically displayed with RankNow options.

    ranknow.ai extension installed chatgpt

    ranknow use a prompt snaprytr

  3. Click any prompt of your choice.
    The prompt is applied behind the scenes and highlighted on the interface.

    ranknow.ai enter your prompt snaprytr chatgpt

  4. Enter the input according to the text mentioned in the input. For example, I have clicked "Fiverr Gig Description Prompt" above. The input field asks me to enter my "Fiverr Gig Title".

    I have entered, "Humanize your AI Article" because Fiverr starts with "I can ----".

    ranknow.ai exmaple prompt guide snaprytr

  5. Hit Enter on your keyboard.
    The response is generated and displayed within ChatGPT.

    ranknow.ai tutorial prompt response guide snaprytr

It's Review Time!

We will give points to different attributes of our evaluation, then calculate the percentage by dividing the SUM total of gained points by the sum total of possible wins.


In the end, we will add all the negative (-) and positive (+) ratings and calculate the final sum.

Quality of RankNow.AI ChatGPT Extension

First thing first. The quality of the output isn't that impressive in our example.

Fiverr gig description generated is too long, and won't fit into Fiverr. Secondly, it involves too much verbose language with too much fluff. This means that this content is hardly useful. That's straight negative 02 points. I have given 02 points instead of 01 point because quality matters more than any other attribute.

To get quality output, the prompts need further engineering, then it would be fine. Until then you can use SnapRytr's Fiverr Description gigs.

ranknow review quality chatgpt

So, here is the final rating of the Fiverr Gig quality:

quality of ranknow.ai

Rating the User Experience of RankNow.AI

Starting off from the user experience. I must admit - it's super fluent and seamless. Right from extension installation to exploring to generating your first prompt (of course, randomly just any prompt) is a seamless experience. So 01 point for installation, 01 for an intuitive interface, and 01 for prompt generation experience. It's 03 points there in total.

In case, you need to find a prompt of your need, you can simply use their search feature. It's 01 point there.

ranknow search prompts snaprytr chatgpt

Secondly, you can also use their dropdown filters like topic and subtopics to see only the prompts that are related to, for example, Copywriting. It's 01 point there for User Experience.

However, once you have generated the content there is no way to see the full list of prompts again other than you clicking "Start New Chat" and then clicking your desired prompt. This is a hassle for speed workers. So, it's negative -01 point.

ranknow review user experience snaprytr chatgpt

Had there been a sidebar like SnapRytr it would have been a lot easier to jump to widgets. Or you could just use your pinned widgets for a quick jump.

snaprytr sidebar chatgpt alternative

So here's the final rating of RankNow.AI's Fiverr Gig Description prompt.

user experience rating review of ranknow.ai

Final words

In conclusion, RankNow.AI is an extension that has the potential to make keyword research and content creation more convenient with its curated list of ChatGPT prompts. The installation process is simple and the user experience is mostly seamless, but it falls short when it comes to the quality of output. The prompts need further engineering to ensure better quality content. That being said, based on our review, RankNow.AI is worth exploring for those who want to save time on keyword research and content creation.

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