What is Content Marketing? The Ultimate Guide (2023)

What is Content Marketing? The Ultimate Guide (2023)

Learn the basics of content marketing, its building blocks, strategies, and the future of content marketing in 2023 and onwards.

In this guide you'll learn:
  1. Basics of content marketing

  2. Types of content

  3. Strategies of content marketing

  4. The future of content marketing

So what's content marketing? 🤔

The straight answer: Content marketing is a type of digital marketing approach that involves strategic creation and distribution of valuable content to build a fanbase that trusts you as a brand, ultimately driving a series of profitable customer interactions.

That’s a tough read, isn’t it?

Throughout this guide, I will unwrap this definition, peeling off it layer by layer, and looking at each layer carefully how it adds up to build one complete whole.

Are you ready to embark on this voyage of discovery with me? 😃

Let’s get started, then!


Understanding the term "Content Marketing"

The term “Content Marketing” has two words: Content and Marketing.

Let’s define each of them first.

The literal meaning of “Content”

Generally, “content” means the innate message of a work of art, conversation, or any digital or physical entity.

For example, a bottle of milk is a physical entity; its content would be milk. For a painting, as a work of art, its content would be both the physicality of paint and strokes as well as the semantic meaning through which one derives the emotion. For a conversation, the content would be the dialog exchange.

So do we categorize a blog post, a conversation, or a work of art?

It’s more of a conversation (one-sided though initially) and less of a work of art.

Meaning of “Content” in marketing

In the context of content marketing, “Content” is widely understood as the conversational style of marketing through which a brand communicates with its target audience.

The common form of conversations done by a brand is through videos (including live streams), blogs, emails, podcasts, social media, and websites.

Most of these forms are initially one-sided conversations, but the audience can also participate in these conversations by commenting on these mediums.

Generally in marketing, “Direct Response Marketing” is a technical term that is particularly used in the advertising field. It’s a different species, and also used in content marketing, but at the very last stage.

Direct Response Marketing is not the one in which people can comment on your content. It’s more than that. In direct response marketing, the content elicits an immediate action (response) from the audience. For example, an advertisement on Facebook or an email campaign has a button or link that takes them to a website for a purchase or sign-up form.

Marketing is impossible without great content

I will take a deep breath 🤓 and cherish the moment to its fullest while I explain the philosophy of content marketing at its very core. If you know already, skip to the section below that explains how content marketing works.

So, here it goes. 🏃‍♀️

The entire body of Content marketing is based on a single, very strong pillar called value.

When I say “value”, picture yourself being helpful and empathetic to others in all your austerity.

So, as a content marketer, “being valuable, helpful, and empathetic” should anchor your mind all the time.

The spring of this sentiment sprouts the entire body of content marketing.

But there’s one more thing that is required to be a successful content marketer - that I will let you know in just a jiffy. ⏰

Every journey, every road, every destination, and every stem and root emerges right from the heart of the phrase ‘valuable content’.

Valuable content is to content marketing as the seed to the tree.

Why is that so?

It’s because marketing is done for a business.

And all successful businesses are there first to add value to the lives of the masses in general.

Take the example of Rolex, which is an expensive brand, but the company doesn’t take all that money home. Rolex is basically a non-profit organization (NPO) that gives a percentage of its profit to charity. They run different projects under the umbrella of Perpetual where they launch initiatives for environment protection, science, and arts.

It’s not wrong to be a capitalist and think of money; it’s just another form of value that is being delivered.

But for people, the ‘content’ of life is not just money; it’s money and more.

So, if a business is adding value to the lives of its customers or clients; then why shouldn’t you as a content marketer address that value? You must!

Understand content marketing with an example

Content marketing is a make-or-break deal for any company. It can bring running companies to ashes, and from ashes can raise an empire. It all depends upon how you get in sync with the think-tank in that company.

One such company is Jyske Bank in Denmark. A couple of years ago, Jyske bank was not as strong as it is today. The bank was not able to secure customers and was losing a lot of its existing ones.

They had to either give up or come up with a really smart marketing strategy.

As a matter of fact, they did.

Jyske bank launched a TV channel and started sharing helpful financial content that educated a lot of people in their region.

The bank got so popular that its potential customers began thinking about it as “a TV channel that has a bank”, instead of the bank having a TV channel. This content marketing strategy totally reversed their position in the market, from a loser to a well-trusted bank in the land of Denmark.

The Content Marketing Institute has described this case study in detail here. It’s an interesting read

Here on this Google Search, you can find tons of more inspirational examples.

The business benefits of content marketing

We have talked enough about the benefits content marketing has for the audience (the existing customers and the customers-to-be). Let’s now talk about the benefits of content marketing that business enjoys.

So, here’s a quick list of the business benefits of content marketing activities that are properly executed:

  • Increases online presence
  • Boosts loyalty
  • Generates more leads
  • Boosts loyalty
  • Improves authority
  • Increase your online presence

When you are generating content that is useful, Google and other search engines provide that content more visibility on certain metrics that it has developed over time. When the search engine starts giving you preference over others, then you start ranking on keywords that your competitors don’t.

Boost loyalty

Press CTRL+F on your keyboard and notice how many times and in which sections do the words ‘value’, ‘valuable’, ‘help’, or ‘helpful’ come up.

I bet more than 20 places.

As I have mentioned earlier above, you are being helpful will benefit you on occasions you wouldn’t even expect.

And brand trust or loyalty is the fruit of producing that valuable content. It helps people to understand that you are genuinely making efforts to help them out.

Generate more leads

What’s the difference between the audience, lead, and customer? Well, the audience includes all those people who consume your content. As soon as they show interest in your product or service, they become leads; and when they eventually buy, they become customers.

With effective content marketing at play, your business can gather more leads because a good relationship of trust has been established earlier. Also, you can increase your returning customers as well. This is because customers love to buy from businesses that they like and trust.

Build and improve your brand’s authority

When you have good content on your website and other digital platforms, people love your content, and you’ve got a considerable amount of customers, and the next thing that happens to your business is ‘authority’.

You start developing an authority (thought leadership) in the market. Other companies start looking up to your brand and you become a trendsetter. This means that you’ll become the first choice for most of your targeted customers.

How content marketing works?

The purpose of content marketing is to deliver value to your potential customers and build trust with them so that they can easily purchase your products or services at a later stage. But how to build trust with them?

Let’s explore some of the ways of building trust with your audience.

  1. Research your target audience - find their needs
  2. Help them understand their needs better
  3. Be consistent and persistent yet evolving
  4. Brand storytelling

01) Research your audience

This is the most critical part.

You cannot help someone if you don’t know where exactly they need your help.

To do this, you need to understand why your company even exists.

That’s Step 1.

If you do not know this, find a person who knows the answer to this question.

The person who can tell you what problem your company solves.

If you can’t find a person who is capable enough to tell you how this company helps solve the problem (which is the real spark of the company, the way CopyBlogger puts it), then I’d suggest you better find a company that does know.

Your role as a content marketer would be incapacitated without knowing where the spark of your company lies.

Step 2.

Research the target customers of your company.

Learn about their hobbies, interests, and most importantly who they get inspired from.

Be their inspiration. Be their go-to place. And that leads to my next point, help them.

02) Help your audience understand their needs better

Once you understand what your audience needs, and what solution your company has, educate them.

Let them know every aspect of their needs.

Let them know their choices.

So that they can make better decisions.

The better you guide them, the more trust they’ll naturally develop.

This brings us to my next point, be consistent, and stay in their sight.

03) Be consistent and persistent yet evolving

You’ve heard an idiom: Out of sight, out of mind.

That’s totally true for content marketing as well.

Once you start helping people, stick around for them. They’d probably be needing more help from you. So, you need to be consistent in creating useful content.

And to stick around longer, you need to keep on upgrading your knowledge about their problems and your solutions.

This requires you to be very strategic. You must know how you are going to enter the market, exactly how you’d help your audience, at what platforms you’d need your presence more, and in what format of content you need to be creating more. There are a lot of other decisions involved in this process.

All of these decisions and activities are called ‘content marketing strategies.

In the coming section, we’ll explore this term further by looking at different elements that combine to make a content marketing strategy.

04) Brand Storytelling

Okay, the word seems to be a bit heavy and horrifying for some aspiring writers; but it really isn’t. It’s actually SO MUCH fun to build stories and narratives that people can relate to. As a matter of fact, it’s a consummation of its own kind to see people emotionally attached to the stories you create.

If you remember any of these content pieces, say Yes in the comments 😊

Example of Content Marketing - Google India

LINK: https://youtu.be/gHGDN9-oFJE 

Example of Content Marketing - Indeed

LINK: Canva.com

So what’s happening?

A brand story is a philosophy your company lives by, and that philosophy must resonate with your customers as well.

This is one of the key functions of content marketing; to devise a story that emotionally connects with the audience. Your company wants to enter the market as a brand, and it doesn’t know why they exist except for minting money, it’s for sure going towards disaster.

As a content marketer, it’s your job to identify the reason why the company was formed and how it helps its customers. How the company is changing the lives of people and then adding a spark to it. There is no formula for adding spark to a story; it’s just your pure art.

There are case studies on effective storytelling techniques that you can practice; however, how to translate those techniques into an emotional touch for your brand; that’s totally up to you.

This brand story, like blood travels in the veins, travels throughout your content marketing channels and content pieces. It’s in the slogan, in the CTA, in the graphics, in the videos, in the headlines, in the paragraphs, and in every emotion of it.

The Key Elements of a Content Marketing Strategy

The mediums through which you execute your content marketing are the essential elements of your content marketing strategy.

The strategic usage and arrangement of these elements define when and how better you’ll be able to achieve your objectives.

  1. Blog posts
  2. Landing pages
  3. Email campaigns
  4. Social media
  5. Case studies
  6. Podcasts
  7. Videos
  8. eBooks

Blog posts

First, let’s clearly differentiate between a blog and a blog post. I have found many people using these two terms interchangeably, but as a matter of fact, they are not interchangeable. A blog post is an article that is written by any individual (whether an employee or not) and it focuses on explaining a particular topic from their own perspective. A blog is simply a website that is a collection of such blog posts.


The purpose of blog posts is never to sell or persuade anyone towards their own products or services. The sole purpose of writing blog posts is to help the reader understand the topic for which they have visited there.


Informational. This means people visit blog posts to educate themselves.

Landing pages

Landing pages are webpages where a customer ‘lands’, not as an airplane though, but surely with identical certitude and focus. An airplane lands on the ground with the purpose to settle and offload passengers. Similarly, when a customer lands on the webpage with a purpose, that webpage serves as a landing page.


The purpose of landing pages is to help visitors take an informed action like submitting a form, purchasing a product or service, or simply creating an account.


Commercial. This means people visit landing pages to purchase products or services or make an action that’s favorable for your company.

Email campaigns

Email campaigns to date are the most effective way of communicating with your target audience. When to use this channel? All the time, but without being a jerk. People appreciate emails when they are in a context with which they can relate easily.


Email campaigns serve different purposes depending on the context. Some email campaigns simply inform the target audience about a topic, while others expect them to do an action like clicking a link or downloading a book.


  • Informational. This means people open your emails to educate themselves.
  • Commercial. This means people open your emails to take action that’s favorable for your business.
  • Navigational. This means people open your emails to access an application, book, or webpage.

Social media

Social media is an excellent way to build and entertain your target audience by forming a tight-bound community. People love engaging with brands on social media more than on emails, that’s because they are more enabled to start a two-way conversation on the go.


It’s the most effective way of building a community of loyal fans.


Informational and amusing. This means people visit your social media page or read your posts in their feed to either acquire information or amuse themselves. Through advertisements and messaging, your target audience is also able to take action of commercial intent.

Case Studies

If you want your audience to truly trust you as a brand, they must know how you solve the problem for other people in the market having the same needs.


Case Studies expedite the visitor-to-lead conversion ratio. People who read case studies are often figuring out how you fit into their picture. If your case study answers this question well, you have successfully won a lead.


Commercial. This means that people read your case study to make an informed commercial decision.


A Podcast is a collection of recorded episodes on single or multiple topics, usually available in audio format.


Running a podcast is one of the most effective content marketing strategies in 2022. They are created to inform people about a topic so that they can build trust with the brand.


Informational. This means that people listen to your podcast to educate themselves.


Video marketing is one of the most effective content marketing strategies in 2022. They are created to inform people about a topic so that they can build trust with the brand.


Videos are an excellent way to show off your products or services in a way that is both entertaining and informative. When done well, videos can help you increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and generate leads and sales.


Informational and commercial. This means that people watch your videos to learn more about your products or services, as well as to take an action such as making a purchase.


An eBook is a digital book that can be read on electronic devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones.


eBooks are an excellent way to position yourself as an expert in your field and build trust with your target audience. They are also a great lead generation tool because you can offer them for free in exchange for people's contact information.


Informational. This means people read your eBook to learn more about a topic.

How to do content marketing - the best practices

There is no authorized body that standardizes marketing practices; however, one can draw summarized perspectives from how businesses attempt to promote and how consumers react to those efforts.

Let’s explore the ways that have been proven to be effective for decades in the field of marketing.

Define your audience - who’s your target audience

The first step is to understand who your target audience is. This will help you determine what type of content to create, where to promote it, and how to appeal to them.

Some factors you may want to consider when defining your target audience include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests/Hobbies
  • Income Level
  • Occupation

Here’s a list of popular research methods:

  1. Surveys - you can use Google Docs or SurveyMonkey
  2. User testing
  3. Google AdWords Keyword Planner
  4. Social media listening
  5. Google Trends
  6. Forums - like Reddit or Quora
  7. Social media analytics
  8. Google Analytics if you have a website
  9. Interviewing people in your networks
  10. Interview your existing clients and customers
  11. Launch research projects - rollout activities and games in your target market to analyze behavior patterns

Whatever data you gather from all the sources, aggregate them in Google Sheets, and then connect LookerStudio (formerly Google Data Studio) to visualize your data in a digestible format.

Once you have enough data, you can create user journeys and map them to the solutions or products that your company is providing. This will be, of course, another document that will elaborate on the mapping.

Let me know in the comments if you want to learn more about creating these journey maps, and I will create a video tutorial for you.

Create Content That Your Audience Will Love

Start off with Niel Patel’s analytical statement about G.I Joe’s comics as a content marketing case study:

“Do you know why it works so well? Because content marketing isn’t about selling to people: it’s all about storytelling, and humans have been telling stories for as long as they could speak. Naturally, our attention goes to the best storytellers.”

~ Niel Patel (reference)

Creating content can be a daunting task. You want to make sure that your content is high quality and helpful to your audience. Here are some tips on how to create content that your audience will love:

1. Write for your audience, not yourself.

It’s important to remember who your target audience is when you’re creating content. Write with them in mind, and focus on topics that will be interesting and useful to them. Don’t get too bogged down in the details – keep it simple and straightforward.

2. Keep it fresh and relevant.

Your audience will appreciate new, relevant content that isn’t outdated or irrelevant. Make sure to keep your information up-to-date so that they can always rely on you for accurate information. Check Google Keyword Planner and other paid keyword research tools like SEMRush to have fresh ideas on which topics are in demand at the moment.

3. Be a storyteller, not a salesperson.

Nobody likes being sold to, so avoid coming across as too promotional in your content. Instead, create narratives that people can relate to. Check the research section below to know how to use research methods to create such narratives.

When you speak in the language of your audience; they will be able to build an unconscious, and positive, relationship with you. A sense of familiarity. This is important to break the ice between you as a brand and them as a consumer.

Develop a Content Marketing Plan

As a small business owner, you may be wondering how to get started with content marketing. After all, you've heard that content is king, but where do you even begin?

The first step is to develop a content marketing plan. This doesn't have to be a complicated document, but it should outline your goals for content marketing, your budget, and your resources.

Here's a quick overview of how to develop a content marketing plan:

  1. Set your goals.
    What do you want to achieve with your content marketing? Do you want to drive traffic to your website? Increase brand awareness? Generate leads? Convert customers?

    Some content marketing goals could be to:
    1. Generate leads
    2. Get more website visitors
    3. Increase brand awareness
    4. Convert customers
    5. Engage with customers
    6. Educate customers
    7. Build relationships with customers
    8. Create loyalty among customers

  2. Determine your budget. 
    How much can you afford to spend on content marketing? Keep in mind that you'll need to invest in both production and promotion.

    How much you spend on content marketing will depend on your business goals. If you want to generate leads, you'll need to spend more on promotion to get your content in front of your target audience. If you're focused on brand awareness, you'll need to produce higher-quality content that will be shared by influencers.

  3. Assemble your team.
    Who will be responsible for creating and promoting your content? Do you have in-house resources, or will you need to hire outside help?

  4. Create a content calendar.
    When will you publish new content? How often? What type of content will you create? Blog posts? Videos? Infographics?

  5. Promote your content.
    How will you get your content in front of your target audience? Will you use social media? Email marketing? Paid advertising?

By following these steps, you'll be on your way to developing a successful content marketing plan that will help you achieve your business goals.

What are the common tools for creating a content calendar?

As a content marketer, one of my most important responsibilities is creating and maintaining a content calendar. This document helps me keep track of all the content I need to create, publish, and promote in a given month or quarter.

There are a lot of different ways to approach creating a content calendar. Some people use Excel, others use Google Sheets, and still, others use specialized software like CoSchedule or Trello.

Personally, I've found that using a combination of ClickUp and Google Sheets works best for me. ClickUp is great for mind-mapping, brainstorming, and tracking high-level information like topic ideas, target publishes dates, and estimated traffic numbers. Google Sheets is then my go-to for actually scheduling out each piece of content, including social media promotion and email marketing.

If you're not sure where to start with creating your own content calendar, here are three of my favorite tools to help you get started:

  1. Excel
    As I mentioned, Excel is great for tracking high-level information about your content. I like to use it to brainstorm ideas, track target publish dates, and estimate traffic numbers. This is a great tool for content marketers because it allows you to track high-level information like target publish dates and estimated traffic numbers.

  2. Google Sheets
    Google Sheets is my go-to for actually scheduling out each piece of content. I find it helpful to have all of my content in one place so I can see what's coming up and plan accordingly. This is my go-to for actually scheduling out each piece of content, including social media promotion and email marketing.

  3. CoSchedule
    CoSchedule is a great tool for managing your content calendar and promoting your content across social media. It's helped me save a ton of time by automating some of the more tedious tasks associated with content marketing.

By the way, ClickUp and Notion are also excellent options for creating your content calendar. If you're looking to create a content calendar, I hope these tools will help you get started. Creating and maintaining a content calendar is a crucial part of any successful content marketing strategy.

Top of the Funnel: Awareness and Branding

As a marketer, you know that the first step in any marketing campaign is to define your target audience. But what happens after that? How do you reach these individuals and what kind of content should you be creating to engage them?

This is where the concept of the Top of the Funnel (TOFU) comes in. TOFU is the first stage of the marketing funnel where you create awareness and interest in your product or service.

Most companies need content writing services or hire content writers for the job at this stage; however, forget to connect their content strategies with the other two stages.

In case you need to know how you can improve your content writing skills, give this article a quick read.

The goal of TOFU is to reach your target audience and get them interested in what you have to offer. To do this, you need to create content that is relevant and engaging.

Middle of the Funnel: Interest

The MOFU is the stage in the buyer's journey where prospects are starting to educate themselves on their options and compare different products or services. At this stage, they're not ready to make a purchase yet, but they're getting closer.

To reach buyers in the MOFU, you need to create content that educates them on their options and helps them compare different products or services. This could include blog posts, ebooks, infographics, whitepapers, webinars, and more.

Marketing activities in the MOFU should be focused on generating leads and moving prospects further down the funnel. This could include lead capture forms, call-to-action (CTA) buttons, and lead nurturing emails.

The goal of MOFU marketing is to move prospects one step closer to becoming customers. By creating helpful content and providing a good user experience, you can turn prospects into leads and leads into customers.

Bottom of the Funnel: Drive Action

The bottom of the funnel is where your leads are converted into customers. It's the final stage in the buyer's journey, and it's where your marketing and sales efforts come together to close the deal.

At this stage, your leads are fully aware of their problem and they've done their research. They know what solutions are available to them, and they're comparing your product or service to your competitors.

Your job is to convince them that you're the best option. To do that, you need to create content that addresses their specific needs and concerns.

There are a few different types of content that work well at the bottom of the funnel:

  1. Case studies: These are stories that showcase how your product or service has helped other companies solve their problems.

  2. Product demos: A demo is a great way to show off your product or service in action and give prospects a taste of what it can do for them.

  3. Testimonials: Hearing from other customers who have had success with your product or service can be very persuasive.

  4. Free trials: Offering a free trial is a great way to let prospects experience your product or service for themselves with no risk.

  5. Guides and ebooks: If you have a lot of information to share, a guide or ebook can be a helpful resource for prospects who are ready to learn more about your solution.

At the bottom of the funnel, your goal is to move prospects closer to conversion with content that is relevant and helpful to them. By providing the right information at the right time, you can increase the likelihood that they'll choose your product or service over your competitors.

Share Your Content on Different Channels

As a small business owner, you know that content is key to attracting new customers and keeping your current ones engaged. But what's the best way to distribute your content?

There are a number of different platforms you can use to get your content out there, and each has its own advantages. Here's a look at four of the most popular options:

1. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great platform for sharing content that's business-related. That's because LinkedIn is a professional network, and its users are generally interested in business news and insights.

If you have content that would be of interest to LinkedIn users, it's definitely worth sharing it on the platform. You can share articles, blog posts, infographics, and other types of content on LinkedIn. Just be sure to add a brief description to each piece of content you share, so people will know what it's about before they click through.

2. Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual platform, so it's ideal for sharing infographics, images, and other types of visual content. If you have any type of product or service that can be marketed with visuals, Pinterest is definitely worth considering.

In addition to sharing your own content on Pinterest, you can also use the platform to curate content from other sources. For example, if you run a travel blog, you could create boards with pins from various travel destinations. This is a great way to provide your audience with even more valuable content.

3. YouTube

YouTube is a great platform for sharing video content. If you have any type of video that would be of interest to your target audience, YouTube is definitely worth considering. This could include product demonstrations, how-to videos, customer testimonials, and more.

4. Instagram

Instagram is a visual platform like Pinterest, but it's also great for sharing short videos and behind-the-scenes looks at your business. If you have any type of visual content that would be of interest to your target audience, Instagram is definitely worth considering.

These are just four of the most popular platforms for sharing content. There are many other options out there, so don't feel like you need to limit yourself to these four. Just choose the platforms that make the most sense for your business and your audience.

Focus on Actionable Content

As a business owner, you want to make sure your content is helpful to your customers. After all, if they don't find it helpful, they're not likely to keep coming back. But how can you be sure your content is actually helpful to them?

The first step is to research your audience and find out what their needs are. What are they looking for? What problems do they need help with? Once you know what they need, you can start creating content that addresses those needs.

If you're not sure where to start, try looking at some of your competitors' content. See what they're talking about and see if you can fill any gaps that you see. You can also look at industry-related news and articles to get ideas for topics that would be helpful to your audience.

Once you have some ideas for helpful content, it's time to start creating it. Write articles, create videos, or whatever format you think will be most helpful to your audience. And don't forget to promote your content! Make sure people know it exists and that it can help them with their needs.

Often content creators miss two vital aspects of quality content creation:

  1. Stop assuming that your content might not be of any value. Until you produce content, you won’t know if it's useful or not.
  2. Be consistent. If your content helped someone, they (or someone like them) might be looking out for your help. Be there for them!

Let's explore some questions that people frequently ask me.

How often should I be creating new content?

How often you create new content will depend on your audience and your goals. If you're just starting out, you may want to create new content once a week or once a month. As you grow your audience and your business, you can increase the frequency of your content creation.

What types of content should I create?

Again, this will depend on your audience and your goals. However, some common types of content include blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and ebooks.

Repurpose Content For Different Channels

As a content creator, you know the importance of getting your content seen by as many people as possible. But what you may not realize is that you can actually repurpose your content to reach even more people.

Yes, I'm talking about taking the same piece of content and distributing it through different channels.

Now, I know what you're thinking... won't people just see the same thing over and over again?

Well, not necessarily. You see, when you repurpose content, you're not just copying and pasting it onto different platforms. You're actually changing it up to fit the specific channel

For example, let's say you have a blog post that's doing really well. You could take that same blog post and turn it into a video or an infographic and post it on social media.

Or, let's say you have a piece of research that's really valuable. You could turn that into a blog post, a whitepaper, or even an eBook.

The possibilities are endless!

So, how do you go about repurposing content? Well, first you need to identify the different channels that you want to distribute your content through. Once you've done that, you need to figure out how to best adapt your content for each channel.

Here are a few tips:

  1. For blog posts, consider turning them into videos or infographics.
  2. For research, consider turning it into a blog post, whitepaper, or eBook.
  3. For eBooks, consider turning them into blog posts or infographics.
  4. For infographics, consider turning them into videos or blog posts.
  5. For videos, consider turning them into infographics or blog posts.

This infographic explains the inter-convertability of content pieces.

how to repurpose content in content marketing strategy

Once you've adapted your content for each channel, all you need to do is start distributing it! This can be done through your own website or social media channels, or through third-party sites like Medium or SlideShare.

The important thing is to get your content out there and in front of as many people as possible. By repurposing your content, you'll be able to reach a whole new audience and significantly grow your business.

Focus on Pro Design

It's no secret that humans are visual creatures. In fact, studies have shown that we process images 60,000 times faster than we do text. And when it comes to marketing, this fact is even more important.

Good graphics can make or break your content marketing strategy. Here's why:

1. Good Graphics Make Your Content More Engaging

Let's face it: most people would rather look at a pretty picture than read a block of text. And when you're trying to get someone to read your blog post or watch your video, you need to make sure that your content is as engaging as possible.

One of the best ways to do this is to use strong visuals. People are more likely to pay attention to your content if it's accompanied by an eye-catching image or video.

2. Good Graphics Help You Tell a Story

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well, that's especially true when it comes to marketing.

Good visuals can help you tell a story and get your point across in a way that text alone can't. They can add emotion and context to your message, making it more relatable and memorable.

3. Good Graphics Can Boost Your Conversion Rate

If you're selling a product or service, then you need to make sure that your website is as conversion-friendly as possible. And one of the best ways to do that is to use visuals.

Studies have shown that websites with strong visuals have a higher conversion rate than those without. So if you want people to buy what you're selling, make sure your website is full of high-quality images and videos.

4. Good Graphics Can Increase Your Subscription Rate

If you're running a subscription-based business, then you need to make sure that your website is visually appealing. After all, people are more likely to subscribe to a service if the website looks good and is easy to navigate.

And one of the best ways to achieve this is to use high-quality visuals. Use images and videos to show off your products or services and make it easy for people to sign up for your newsletter or subscription.

5. Good Graphics Help You Stand Out from the Competition

In today's competitive marketplace, it's more important than ever to make sure that your content stands out from the rest. And one of the best ways to do that is to use visuals.

People are bombarded with content from all sides these days. In order to cut through the noise, you need to make sure that your content is as visually appealing as possible. Use images and videos to grab attention and make your content stand out from the rest.


As a freelance writer, I'm often asked by clients whether they need to hire a separate graphic designer to help with their content marketing. My answer is always the same: it depends.

There is no doubt that good visuals are important in content marketing. After all, we are visual creatures and studies have shown that articles with images get more engagement than those without.

However, whether or not you need to hire a separate graphic designer depends on your budget, your skills, and your goals.

If you have a limited budget, you may want to consider using free tools like Canva or PicMonkey to create simple graphics. These tools are relatively easy to use and don't require any design experience.

If you have a bit more money to spend, you could hire a freelancer to create custom graphics for you. This is a good option if you need something more complex than what Canva or PicMonkey offer.

Finally, if you have the budget for it, you could hire a full-time graphic designer. This is the best option if you plan on doing a lot of content marketing and need someone who can help with the strategy and execution of your visuals.

No matter which option you choose, remember that good visual are important in content marketing. They can help you stand out from the competition and make your articles more engaging.


It's no secret that the internet is a vast and ever-growing source of information. And with so much content out there, it's more important than ever to make sure your writing is easy to read and understand.

There are a number of reasons why readability is important. First, if your writing is difficult to understand, people are less likely to stick around and read it. This means you're less likely to convert readers into customers or subscribers.

Second, even if people do manage to stick with your content, they're less likely to remember it if it's hard to read. This means you're missing out on potential repeat traffic and customers.

Finally, search engines like Google take readability into account when ranking websites and individual pages. This means that if your content isn't easy to read, you're missing out on potential organic traffic.

So how can you make sure your content is readable? Here are a few tips:

  1. Use short sentences: Long, complex sentences are hard to read and understand. Keep your sentences short and to the point.

  2. Use simple words: Use language that everyone can understand. Avoid jargon and technical terms unless you're writing for a specific audience.

  3. Break up your text: No one wants to read huge blocks of text. Use headlines, subheadings, and bullet points to break up your text and make it easier to scan.

  4. Use images: Images are a great way to break up text and add visual interest. Just make sure to use relevant, alt tags so that search engines can index them.

  5. Format your text: Use white space, bolding, and italics to format your text and make it easier to read.

By following these tips, you can make sure your content is readable and engaging for all audiences.

Visual Hierarchy

As a layman, I would always be interested in how to increase the conversion rate and subscription rate for my blog. I'm sure your customers would be too. And one of the most important factors in achieving this is visual hierarchy.

What is visual hierarchy?

It's the order in which your audience will process the information and elements in your content. The human brain is hardwired to process information visually, so it's important to make use of this by creating a clear visual hierarchy in your content.

Why is visual hierarchy important?

Because it can help you control the flow of information and guide your audience's attention to the most important parts of your content. A well-designed visual hierarchy will make your content more engaging and easy to consume, and it can also help increase your conversion rate and subscription rate.

So, how can you create a strong visual hierarchy in your content? Here are some tips:

  1. Use typography to create a hierarchy
  2. Use whitespace to create contrast and focus
  3. Use color to draw attention
  4. Use images and videos to break up text and add visual interest
  5. Use infographics to simplify complex information

Example of Visual Hierarchy - Firebase Blog

Link: https://firebase.blog/ 

Firebase is a product and they write about technologies on their blog.

If you visit the firebase blog on your desktop, this will be your first view.

example of content marketing visual hierarchy firebase blog

Let’s analyze this view step-by-step.


The page has 5 different font sizes and 3 font families. The big announcement article has the title written in Google Sans Mono font with a huge font size; whereas, the rest of the body is written in the normal Google Sans family.

This helps the visitor focus directly on the big thing first, which is the feature (or the latest blog post published on this platform).


You can notice that the entire blog page has significant breathing space. The design looks clean, as if there is a lot more to fill yet.


The navigation at the top and the feature article in the middle both have a bright yellow background, which is also the brand color of Firebase. When you scroll down, this gives a striking contrast to the rest of the blog body.

Again. This helps the visitor focus on the most important part of the blog.


Notice that this blog has minimal images, taking out all the distractions and helping the visitor focus only on the most important.

For example, scroll down to see the list of all the articles and categories. No blog post has a colorful image, all in a gray hue.

example of content marketing color hierarchy firebase blog

Helping you focus only on the titles of the blog posts in the list. Only if your hover over the blog post title, do the images become colorful; taking all your attention to one blog post at a time in the entire listing.

example of content marketing color focus hierarchy firebase blog

Systematize and Scale

You can't have a website or blog without content. That's a given. But what a lot of people don't realize is that managing all that content can be a huge undertaking.

There are many moving parts to consider when it comes to content operations. You have to think about the processes involved in creating, publishing, analyzing, optimizing and managing content. You also have to think about the tools you need to make it all happen.

Importance of Systems and Processes in Content Marketing

Let's take an example of a SaaS company running their content marketing operations with a team of 10 people including designers, seo experts, writers and video marketers.

The manager at the company never created a hypothesis or a written content marketing plan. However, by following standard industry practices, they have garnered a lot of subscribers. But suddenly, they started to see a drop in their number of subscribers and an increase in the churn rate.

The sales, customer success, product management, and marketing teams are unable to figure out the problem. 

The reason?

They do not have any grounds to analyze.

They didn't create any hypoethesis that could analyze overtime and improve them. They didn't have any processes for that.

And if they can't analyze it, that means they can't improve it.

This happens, when you do not believe in the value of concerete systems, processes and measuring scales.And if you're running a content operation at scale, you have to think about how to systemize everything so it runs like a well-oiled machine.

Key Aspects of Content Marketing Operations

Let's take a look at some of the key considerations for content operations. We'll also share some tips on how to systemize and scale your content operation so it can run smoothly and efficiently.

Creating content is only half the battle. A lot of people think that the hardest part of content marketing is creating the actual content. And while that can certainly be challenging, it's only half the battle.

The other half is making sure that content is properly published and distributed. This includes everything from format and design to SEO and social media promotion.

If you're not paying attention to these details, your content will likely get lost in the shuffle. That's why it's important to have a solid plan for how you're going to publish and promote your content.

Tools are Your Friend

There are a lot of different tools out there that can help you with content operations. The key is finding the right ones for your needs.

There are tools for everything from writing and editing to project management and publishing. There are also tools that can help you with things like SEO and social media promotion.

The right tools can make a big difference in how efficient and effective your content operation is. So, don't be afraid to invest in some good tools to help you out.

Systemizing Your Content Operations

Once you have the right tools in place, it's time to start thinking about how to systemize your content operation. This means creating a process and set of standards that will help you get the most out of your content marketing efforts.

Editorial guidelines

One way to do this is to create editorial guidelines. These guidelines should outline the types of content you want to create, how often you want to publish, and what standards you expect for quality and design.

Systemize operations

Another way to systemize your operation is to create templates for your content. This can be anything from a basic text template to a more complex design template. Having templates in place will help you save time and ensure that your content is consistent in quality and appearance.

Project management system

Finally, you'll want to consider implementing some sort of project management system. This could be something as simple as using a spreadsheet or kanban board to track your tasks and deadlines. Or, you could use a more robust project management tool like Asana or Trello.

Whichever route you choose, having a system in place will help you stay organized and on track with your content marketing efforts.

Scaling Your Operations

As your business grows, so too will your content marketing needs. At some point, you'll likely need to scale up your content operation to meet the demands of your growing business.

There are a few different ways you can do this. One option is to hire additional staff members to help with the creation and distribution of content.

Another option is to outsource some or all of your content marketing needs. And finally, you could invest in some automation tools to help with things like publishing and promotion.

No matter how you choose to scale up your operation, the important thing is that you do it in a way that makes sense for your business. There's no one-size-fits-all solution here - it's all about finding what works best for you.

Use Content Templates

As a content creator, you're always looking for ways to produce content faster. And one way to do that is to use templates.

There are all sorts of templates you can use for your content. For example, HubSpot offers a variety of resources, including templates for blog posts, landing pages, emails, and more.

Using templates can help you save time on the formatting and design of your content. And it can also help you stay consistent with your branding.

If you're not sure where to find templates, or how to use them, start with HubSpot's resources. They have a wide variety of templates for different types of content, and they also offer helpful tutorials on how to use them.

Once you start using templates, you'll wonder how you ever created content without them!

Use an AI Writing Tool

We all know that content is king. But what if you could get help writing your content? That's where AI comes in.

There are a number of AI writing tools out there that can help you create better content. Here are just a few benefits of using an AI writing tool:

  1. Get help with your writing. If you're not a natural writer, or if you just need some help getting started, an AI writing tool can be a great way to get help with your writing. Just enter the topic you want to write about and the AI writing tool will give you some ideas to get started.

  2. Save time. Writing can be a time-consuming task. But with an AI writing tool, you can get your content written much faster. The AI writing tool will do all the heavy lifting for you, so you can focus on other things.

  3. Get better results. When you use an AI writing tool, you can be sure that your content will be higher quality. The AI writing tool will help you to avoid common mistakes and to create content that is well-written and engaging.

  4. Be more creative. If you're struggling to come up with ideas for your content, an AI writing tool can help you to be more creative. Just enter the topic you want to write about and the AI writing tool will give you some ideas to get started.

  5. Get help when you need it. If you're ever feeling stuck or unsure about what to write, an AI writing tool can help you to get unstuck. The AI writing tool will give you some ideas to get started, so you can get back on track with your writing.

Focus on Key Metrics

As a content marketer, it's important to understand how to measure the success of your content. After all, if you can't measure the results of your content marketing efforts, how can you improve them?

There are a number of different content metrics that you can track, but not all of them are created equal. In this blog post, we'll look at some of the most important content metrics you should be tracking and why they matter.

One of the most important things to understand about content metrics is that not all of them are directly related to sales or leads. While those are certainly important metrics to track, they're not the only ones that matter.

Some content metrics, like engagement and reach, can give you insights into how your audience is interacting with your content. Others, like dwell time and bounce rate, can tell you how effective your content is at keeping people on your site.

All of these metrics are important in their own way and can give you valuable insights into the effectiveness of your content marketing.

So, without further ado, let's look at some of the most important content metrics you should be tracking.

1. Engagement

Engagement is one of the most important content metrics to track because it tells you how interested your audience is in your content. There are a number of different ways to measure engagement, but some of the most common include:

Time on page: This metric measures how long people spend on each page of your website. The longer they spend, the more engaged they are with your content.

Bounce rate: This metric measures the percentage of people who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate indicates that people are not finding what they're looking for on your site.

Pages per visit: This metric measures how many pages people view during each visit to your site. The more pages they view, the more engaged they are with your content.

2. Reach

Reach is another important metric to track because it tells you how many people are seeing your content. There are a number of different ways to measure reach, but some of the most common include:

Pageviews: This metric measures how many times each page on your site is viewed. The more page views you have, the more people are seeing your content.

Unique visitors: This metric measures the number of unique people who visit your site each month. The more unique visitors you have, the more people are seeing your content.

Social media reach: This metric measures how many people see your content when it's shared on social media. The more social media reach you have, the more people are seeing your content.

3. Dwell Time

Dwell time is the amount of time that people spend on each page of your website. It's a good indicator of how interesting and engaging your content is. The longer people spend on each page, the better.

4. Shares and Links

Shares and links are two other important metrics to track because they indicate how popular and valuable your content is. If people are sharing and linking to your content, it means they find it useful and worth sharing with others. The more shares and links you have, the better.

Building a Content Marketing Strategy

If you're a business owner, you've probably heard the term "content strategy" thrown around a lot. But what is a content strategy, really?

What is a content strategy?

A content strategy is a plan for how you will create, publish, and manage your content. It includes everything from the topics you'll write about to the tone you'll use to the frequency of your posts.

Why do you need a content strategy?

Having a content strategy in place helps you to:

  • Define your goals and objectives
  • Understand your audience and what they want to see from you
  • Create Consistent, high-quality content
  • Save time by planning ahead

Content Marketing Strategy vs Content Marketing Plan

A content marketing plan is a high-level approach for creating and distributing content that will attract and engage target audiences. A content marketing strategy is a more specific roadmap that details the specific pieces of content that will be created and published in order to achieve specific business goals.

Popular examples of content marketing plans include creating blog content to drive awareness and leads or creating video content to build brand affinity and drive sales. A content marketing strategy might detail the specific blog posts that will be written and published over the course of a month or the specific videos that will be produced and distributed on social media and YouTube.

What Should Content Do?

Simply put, content is any form of communication, whether it be written, spoken, or visual. And a content strategy is a plan for how you will create and manage your content to achieve your business goals.

Content plays a number of important roles in a content strategy.

Primarily, it is used to build relationships with customers and prospects, drive traffic to your website or blog, generate leads, and close sales.

Content can also be repurposed and reused in a variety of ways, such as in email marketing campaigns, social media posts, and even printed materials.

No matter what type of content you create or how often you publish it, the most important thing is that it is high-quality and relevant to your target audience. After all, the goal of a content strategy is to build relationships and drive results, not just to produce more content for the sake of it.

Overview of the Structure for Effective Content

Here are a few key elements to keep in mind when crafting your next piece:

1. A catchy headline

Your headline is the first (and often last) thing people will read, so it's important to make it count. Write something attention-grabbing and relevant to your topic.

2. Compelling copy

Once you have someone's attention, it's important to keep them engaged with a well-written, interesting copy. Use active voice and strong verbs to tell a story and paint a picture.

3. Helpful information

Your readers should walk away from your piece feeling like they've learned something valuable. Whether it's tips on how to do something, insights into an industry, or a new perspective on a familiar topic, make sure your content is informative and helpful.

4. A call-to-action

Your content should have a purpose, and that purpose should be clear to your reader. 

What do you want them to do after reading your piece?

Sign up for your newsletter? Visit your website? Share your content with their network?

Make sure your call to action is clear and easy to follow.

5. Visuals

People are visual creatures, so incorporating images, infographics, or videos into your content can help break up the text and make your piece more engaging.

Keep these key elements in mind when creating your next piece of content, and you'll be well on your way to creating something truly effective!

Building Your Professional Brand

Now that you know what content marketing is and some of the different types of content you can create, let’s look at how you can use it to build your brand.

1. Define Your Target Audience

Before you start creating content, it’s important to define your target audience. Who do you want to reach with your content? What are their needs and interests? Once you know who you’re targeting, you can create content that appeals to them.

2. Create Compelling Content

Once you know who you’re targeting, it’s time to start creating compelling content. Remember, the goal is not to sell, but to educate and engage your audience. So focus on creating informative and interesting content that will help them solve their problems or meet their needs.

3. Promote Your Content

Once you have some great content, it’s time to start promoting it. Be sure to share your content on social media, your website, and any other channels where your target audience is active. You can also use paid advertising to reach a wider audience.

4. Measure Your Results

Finally, don’t forget to measure your results so you can see what’s working and what isn’t. Track things like website traffic leads generated, and sales made. This will help you fine-tune your content marketing strategy so you can get even better results over time.

I Have My Site, Now What?

There are a number of different content marketing activities you can do using your website. In this blog post, we'll go over some of the most effective ones.

1. Use Your Homepage as a Content Hub

One of the best things you can do to market your content is to use your homepage as a content hub. This means that you should feature your latest and greatest pieces of content on your homepage for visitors to see.

You can do this by featuring a blog post or article prominently on the homepage, or by including a link to a piece of content in your header or navigation menu.

2. Create a Resource Page

Another great way to market your content is to create a resource page on your website. This is a page where you compile all of your best resources on a certain topic into one place.

For example, if you write a lot about social media marketing, you could create a resource page that includes links to your best blog posts, articles, and infographics on the topic. This is a great way to get more exposure to your content and make it easy for people to find what they're looking for.

3. Use an Opt-In Form

If you want to really drive traffic to your content, then you should use an opt-in form on your website. An opt-in form is a form that visitors can fill out to subscribe to your email list. This is a great way to get more people to see your content because you can then promote it through your email list.

4. Use Social Media Shares and Buttons

Make it easy for people to share your content by including social media share buttons on your website. You can also include social media follow buttons so that people can follow you on social media and see your latest content that way.

5. Use Promotions and Giveaways

Another great way to get more exposure for your content is to run promotions and giveaways. You can promote your content through social media, email, or even on your website itself. And, you can offer prizes or discounts as an incentive for people to check out your content.

These are just a few of the many ways you can market your content through your website. By using these tips, you can get more people to see and engage with your content.

Tips on building a content strategy framework

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how often you should publish blog posts. But if you're wondering whether you should be posting once a week, or even every day, you're not alone.

The answer, of course, depends on your goals, your audience, and your resources. But if you're looking for some guidance on how often to blog, the "7A Framework" is a popular content strategy framework that can help.

The 7A Framework was created by Mark Schaefer, author of The Content Code and known for his work on content marketing strategy. It's based on the idea that there are seven different types of content that can be used to achieve different goals.

Here's a quick overview of the 7A Framework:

Agility: This type of content is designed to be timely and relevant to what's happening in the world. It's the kind of content that can help you capitalize on current events or trends.

Authenticity: This type of content is designed to be true to your brand. It's the kind of content that will help you build trust and credibility with your audience.

Authority: This type of content is designed to position you as an expert in your field. It's the kind of content that will help you attract new customers and clients.

Action: This type of content is designed to get your readers to take action. It's the kind of content that will help you increase sales or conversions.

Call-to-Action: This type of content is designed to include a call-to-action. It's the kind of content that will help you get your readers to take the next step, whether it's signing up for your email list or making a purchase.

Risk Reversal: This type of content is designed to reduce the risk for your reader. It's the kind of content that will help you increase confidence in your product or service.

The 7A Framework is a helpful way to think about the different types of content you can create to achieve different goals. But it's important to remember that there's no magic number when it comes to how often you should publish new blog posts. The key is to create quality content that will resonate with your audience and help you achieve your goals.

Let’s Take an Example of The "About" Page

I could have selected just any content piece, then why the About page? For most writers, the About page is the least interesting part of content marketing.

The reason?

The CEO, CMO, or founders are not passionate enough about their own business in terms of how it's creating an impact in the lives of their customers. Hardcore capitalism at work!

This kind of leadership (which isn’t actually leadership in the first place) dismantles the entire culture and its subunits.

If you cannot find any person in an organization that explains how the company is making the lives of their customers better - and they can’t direct your attention to where the passion lies - it’s time for you to look for another company.

But once you know the answer, it’s your job as an artist, and a creative content marketer, to ignite a spark in the story of your company using the given cinders of passion.

Let’s see how you can write an About page using the 7A framework.

Your About page is one of the most important pages on your website.

It's the first impression you make on potential customers and partners, and it's where you can tell your story and share your company's values.

That's why it's so important to get it right.

The good news is, there is a formula for writing an About page that will help you connect with your audience and achieve your business goals.

The 7A Framework for Writing an “About” page:

  1. Agility: Be nimble and adaptable in how you tell your story.
  2. Authenticity: Be real and transparent in what you say.
  3. Call-to-Action: Don’t ask your readers to take the action, but show them the ways they can take one.
  4. Clarity: Be clear and concise in your writing.
  5. Credibility: Build trust with your readers. The journey associated with testimonials, references to the people in the company's network, as well as the mention of specific dates in a timeline often bring credibility to the story.
  6. Personality: infuse the personality of your founder into your writing. No need to reinvent a fake personality to bring the voice. The company’s founder already has one. Use his personality in the voice of your writing.
  7. Risk Reversal: Offer a risk-free experience to your readers. Don’t even think about giving a promotional offer; however, give them the reasons why you are a safe choice.

How to do research for your content marketing strategy

Crafting User Journey

User journeys can be incredibly helpful for understanding how your target audience experiences your brand, product, or service. By mapping out the journey, you can identify areas where there may be friction points or opportunities to improve the experience.

There are a few different ways to map out a user journey. One popular method is using Google Sheets. You can create a sheet with different tabs for each stage of the journey and then fill in details about what happens at each stage.

Empathy Maps

Empathy maps are another way to understand your target audience's experience. With this research methodology, you put yourself in your target audience's shoes and try to understand their thoughts, feelings, and needs at each stage of their journey.

Experience Maps

Experience maps are similar to empathy maps, but they also take into account the physical environment and touchpoints that your target audience has with your brand. This could include things like website design, customer service interactions, etc.

2 keys to creating irresistible content

Creating content that is both helpful and interesting to your target audience is essential to a successful content marketing strategy. However, coming up with new ideas for fresh, compelling content can be challenging.

One way to overcome this obstacle is to look closely at what makes some content more irresistible than others. By understanding the elements that make certain pieces of content more engaging, you can apply those same principles to your own writing to create material that is sure to capture attention.

Here are two keys to creating irresistible content:

  1. Write with clarity and brevity.
  2. Use strong headlines and visuals.

When readers are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information on a daily basis, they appreciate clear and concise writing that gets straight to the point. Be sure to edit your work for grammar and spelling errors before hitting publish, as even small mistakes can turn readers off from your content. In addition, using strong headlines and visuals is an effective way to grab attention and keep readers engaged. Headlines should be catchy and descriptive, while visuals should be eye-catching yet relevant to the topic at hand.

Content types in content marketing

As a marketer, you know that not all content is created equal. There are different types of content, each with its own purpose and strengths.

In this post, we'll take a look at the different types of content and how you can use them in your content marketing strategy.

1. Blog Posts

Blog posts are the bread and butter of content marketing. They're versatile, easy to produce, and can be used to achieve a variety of marketing goals.

For example, you can use blog posts to:

  • Generate leads
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Build relationships with your customers
  • Educate your audience about your product or service
  • Position yourself as an expert in your industry

The key to creating successful blog posts is to know your audience and what they're looking for. Once you understand what type of information they're looking for, you can create content that's both informative and engaging.

You can always use an AI article writer for generating blog posts faster with Google-friendly quality.

2. eBooks and Whitepapers

eBooks and whitepapers are long-form pieces of content that dive deep into a particular topic. They're typically used to generate leads or educate prospects about a complex topic.

For example, if you sell software that helps businesses manage their finances, you might create an eBook that covers the basics of financial management. Or, if you're an architect, you might create a whitepaper that discusses the latest trends in sustainable design.

3. Case Studies

Case studies are stories that showcase how your product or service has helped a particular customer or client. They're an excellent way to build trust and credibility with your audience.

4. Infographics

Infographics are visual representations of data or information. They're designed to make complex information easy to understand and digestible.

5. Videos

Videos are a powerful content marketing tool that can be used to educate, entertain, and engage your audience. Thanks to platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, it's easier than ever to create and distribute videos online.

For video generation, you can use a Text to Speech software like Murf.ai, an AI-based avatar video generator like synthesia.io, and an AI-based video script writer like SnapRytr’s Video Script Writer. AI is literally starting to rule content, isn’t it? 😎

6. Webinars

Webinars are live or recorded presentations that are typically used to generate leads or educate prospects about a complex topic. They usually last between 30 minutes and an hour and are presented by an expert in the field.

7. Podcasts

Podcasts are audio files that can be downloaded and listened to on a variety of devices. They're perfect for listeners who want to consume content on the go.

8. Images

Images are a great way to add visual interest to your content and break up large blocks of text. They can also be used to convey complex ideas quickly and easily.

9. Quizzes

Quizzes are a fun and interactive way to engage your audience. They can also be used to generate leads or collect data about your customers' preferences and interests.

10. Templates

Templates are pre-designed documents that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating eBooks, infographics, or presentations.

11. Checklists

Checklists are simple lists that help people complete tasks or remember important information. They can be used on their own or as part of another piece of content, such as an eBook or blog post.

12. Glossaries

Glossaries are lists of terms and their definitions. They're often used in industries where there is a lot of jargon or specialized language.

13. How-To Guides

How-to guides are step-by-step instructions for completing a task or achieving a goal. They can be used to teach your audience how to use your product or service, or how to complete a specific task related to your industry.

14. Product Reviews

Product reviews are evaluations of products or services. They can help prospects make informed decisions about whether or not to purchase a particular product or service.

15. User Guides

User guides are manuals that provide instructions for using a product or service. They're often used by customers who need help troubleshooting a problem or understanding how to use a particular feature

Before you make a decision, here are some more points to consider:

  • What format will be most effective for your message?
  • How much time and resources are you willing to invest?
  • What are your goals?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What type of content will resonate with your audience?

Content marketing pdf

Where to get an awesome content marketing course?

Whether you are an aspiring content marketer or an industry veteran, there’s always something new to learn. When you have this mindset, you're always looking for ways to improve your skills and learn new things. When it comes to content marketing, there are a lot of different courses and websites out there that can help you learn the ropes.

I've compiled a list of some of the best content marketing courses and websites that I've found, so you can pick and choose what works best for you.

1). HubSpot Academy

Link: https://academy.hubspot.com/ 

HubSpot Academy is a great resource for learning all things inbound marketing and content marketing. They offer a variety of courses, including an Introduction to Inbound Marketing course, which is perfect for those just getting started.

2). Copyblogger

Link: https://copyblogger.com/learn/

Copyblogger is one of the most popular sites for learning about copywriting and content marketing. They offer a variety of free resources, as well as some paid courses. I highly recommend checking out their stuff if you're serious about learning this stuff.

3). Social Media Examiner

Link: https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/workshops/ 

Social Media Examiner is a great site for those wanting to learn more about social media marketing. They offer a variety of articles, tips, and tutorials on all things social media. They also have a few courses available, both free and paid.

4). Content Marketing Institute(CMI)

Link: https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/

The Content Marketing Institute is THE go-to resource for all things content marketing. They offer everything from articles and tutorials to webinars and courses. If you're serious about learning content marketing, you need to check out their site.

5. Quick Sprout University

Link: https://www.quicksprout.com/university/

Quick Sprout University is a great resource for those wanting to learn more about online marketing. They offer a variety of courses on all things digital marketing, including content marketing. I highly recommend checking out their stuff if you're serious about learning this stuff.

These are just a few of the many great resources available for learning content marketing. So if you're looking to improve your skills or learn something new, be sure to check out one (or all!) of these sites.

6). SnapRytr’s Content Marketing Course YouTube Playlist in Urdu/Hindi

How to manage your content marketing activities

If you don't have a plan for managing your content marketing activities, you're not alone.

A recent study by the Content Marketing Institute found that only 37% of organizations have a documented content marketing strategy.

While it's possible to get by without a plan, it's not advisable. Poorly managed content marketing can have a number of negative consequences, including:

1. Wasted time and resources

When there's no plan, it's easy to waste time and money on content that doesn't achieve your objectives. For example, you might create a blog post that no one reads or an infographic that doesn't get shared.

2. Missed opportunities

Without a plan, you're likely to miss opportunities to promote your content. For example, you might forget to share your latest blog post on social media, or neglect to include a call-to-action in your latest email newsletter.

3. Inconsistent messaging

When there's no plan, it's easy to end up with inconsistent messaging. For example, you might have one team member who is promoting your content in a positive way, while another team member is using negative language.

4. Poor ROI

Finally, poorly managed content marketing can lead to a poor return on investment (ROI). If you're not tracking your results, it's difficult to know whether your content marketing efforts are paying off.

Managing Your Content

The good news is that you can take some simple steps to avoid these problems. Here are four tips for better managing your content marketing:

1). Set clear objectives

Before you do anything else, take some time to think about what you want to achieve with your content marketing.

Do you want to increase brand awareness? Drive traffic to your website? Generate leads?

Once you know what you want to achieve, you can develop a plan to make it happen.

2). Create a content calendar

A content calendar is a vital tool for managing your content marketing. It will help you keep track of what content you need to create when it needs to be published, and where it needs to be promoted.

Creating a calendar will also help you avoid duplication and ensure that your content is consistent with your overall marketing strategy.

3). Assign roles and responsibilities

If you have a team working on your content marketing, it's important to assign roles and responsibilities. This will help everyone stay organized and on track.

For example, you might designate one person as the content editor, another as the social media manager, and another as the lead generation specialist.

4). Measure your results

Finally, don't forget to measure your results. This will help you determine whether your content marketing efforts are paying off.

There are a number of different metrics you can track, including website traffic, leads generated, and social media engagement.

Choose the metrics that are most important to your business and track them on a regular basis.

Ethics and Professionalism

Here are some tips on how to stay on top of your game:

1). Be tTansparent About Your Relationships With Brands

If you're working with a brand, be upfront about it. Don't try to hide the relationship or pretend like it's something it's not. This is not only unethical, but it can also damage your credibility as a content creator.

2). Don't Plagiarize Or Use Someone Else's Work Without Permission

This one should be obvious, but it's still worth mentioning. Plagiarism is a serious offense and can get you into a lot of trouble.

If you're ever unsure about whether or not you can use someone else's work, it's always best to err on the side of caution and get permission first.

3). Be Careful With Affiliate Links

Affiliate links can be a great way to monetize your content, but you need to be careful with how and where you use them.

Don't try to sneak them into your content in an attempt to make more money. This is not only unethical, but it will also turn off your readers.

4). Respect Your Audience's Privacy

If you're collecting any sort of data from your audience (email addresses, for example), be sure to respect their privacy.

Don't sell their information to third parties or use it for anything other than what you've promised them.

5). Be Honest in Your Reviews

If you're reviewing products or services, be honest about it. Don't give glowing reviews to products or services that you don't actually believe in just because you're being paid to do so.

This is not only unethical, but it will also damage your credibility as a reviewer.

Plagiarism and Copyright Law

It's no secret that plagiarism is a big no-no in the world of content marketing. Not only is it unethical, but it can also get you into a lot of legal trouble.

Copyright law is a complex and ever-changing beast, but there are some basic things you need to know in order to avoid plagiarism. In this blog post, we'll cover what plagiarism is, how to avoid it, and what to do if you've accidentally committed plagiarism.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work without giving them credit. This can be done intentionally or unintentionally. Intentional plagiarism is when you knowingly use someone else's work without giving them credit. This is a serious offense and can get you into a lot of legal trouble.

Unintentional plagiarism is when you use someone else's work without realizing it. This is often the result of not understanding copyright law or not taking the time to properly cite your sources.

While unintentional plagiarism is not as serious as intentional plagiarism, it can still get you into trouble.

How to Avoid Plagiarism?

The best way to avoid plagiarism is to make sure that you always give credit where it's due. If you're using someone else's work, make sure to cite your sources properly. If you're unsure about how to cite something, err on the side of caution and give credit anyway. It's better to be safe than sorry.

If you're ever in doubt about whether or not something is plagiarism, err on the side of caution and don't use it. There are plenty of other sources out there that you can use. It's not worth risking your reputation or getting into legal trouble over something that isn't worth it.

What to Do if You've Accidentally Committed Plagiarism?

If you've accidentally committed plagiarism, the best thing you can do is come clean and apologize. Own up to your mistake and take responsibility for it. Then, take steps to make sure that it doesn't happen again in the future.

If you're not sure whether or not something is plagiarism, err on the side of caution and don't use it. There are plenty of other sources out there that you can use. It's not worth risking your reputation or getting into legal trouble over something that isn't worth it.

Introduction to Metrics

One of the most important things you can do is track your progress against specific goals. This allows you to see what's working, and what's not, and make necessary adjustments along the way.

There are several different metrics and KPIs you can track in content marketing, but it's important to focus on the ones that will actually help you achieve your objectives.

One of the most popular methods for tracking progress in content marketing is through OKRs (Objectives and Key Results).

OKRs can be used to track progress at both the individual and team levels, and can be customized to fit your specific needs.

To get started with OKRs, you first need to identify your objectives. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Once you have your objectives in place, you can then identify the key results that will help you achieve those objectives.

For each objective, you should have 2-3 key results. These should be specific, measurable, and achievable.

Once you have your objectives and key results in place, you can start tracking your progress. There are a number of different ways to do this, but one of the most popular is through analytics.

Analytics can help you track a variety of different metrics, including pageviews, time on site, bounce rate, and conversion rate.

You can also use analytics to track how well your content is performing on social media. This includes things like engagement rate, reach, and clicks.

Tracking your progress with analytics will help you see what's working and what's not. It will also allow you to make necessary adjustments along the way.

What Data Should I Pay Attention To?

Without data, it’s impossible to know what’s working and what isn’t.

But with so much data out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why I’ve put together this guide to help you get started with content analytics.

What is Content Analytics?

First, let’s define what content analytics is. Content analytics is the process of measuring, analyzing, and interpreting the performance of your content.

This can include things like pageviews, social shares, time on the page, and bounce rate. By understanding how your content is performing, you can make informed decisions about what to create next.

There are a few different ways to track your content analytics. The most common is through Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free tool that gives you insights into how people are interacting with your website.

To set up Google Analytics, you’ll need to add a piece of code to your website. Once you’ve done that, you can start tracking data like pageviews, unique visitors, and bounce rates.

Social Media Analytics

Another way to track content analytics is through social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Most social media platforms have built-in analytics tools that give you insights into how your content is performing on their platform.

For example, Twitter has a tool called Twitter Analytics that shows you things like tweet impressions, profile visits, and mentions. Facebook also has a similar tool called Facebook Insights.

Commercial Tools for Content Analytics

In addition to Google Analytics and social media platforms, there are also a number of paid tools that offer more in-depth content analytics. Some of the most popular paid tools include BuzzSumo, Moz, and SEMrush.

Now that we’ve covered some of the basics of content analytics, let’s take a look at how you can use data to improve your content marketing strategy.

One of the most important things you can do with content analytics tracks your most popular pieces of content. This will give you insights into what type of content your audience is engaging with the most.

What you can do with Content Analytics?

You can use this data to inform your future content strategy. For example, if you notice that a particular blog post is getting a lot of traffic, you could create more content around that topic.

Another thing you can do with content analytics tracks your social media engagement. This will give you insights into which social media platforms are driving the most traffic to your website.

You can use this data to inform your future social media strategy. For example, if you notice that Twitter is driving more traffic than Facebook, you could focus more of your energy on promoting your content on Twitter.

Finally, you can use content analytics to improve your SEO strategy. By tracking things like pageviews and bounce rate, you can get insights into which keywords and topics are driving traffic to your website.

You can then use this data to inform your future SEO strategy. For example, if you notice that a particular keyword is driving a lot of traffic to your website, you could create more content around that keyword.

Content analytics is a powerful tool that every content marketer should be using. By tracking your content performance, you can make informed decisions about what to create next. So don’t wait any longer, start tracking your content today!

The future trends of content marketing in 2023

1. Interactive Content Marketing

The future of content marketing is interactive.

What is interactive content marketing?

It means that content will be more engaging and personalized.

It also means that marketers will need to be more creative in their content marketing strategies.

So what can we expect from the future of content marketing?

More Engaging Content

The future of content marketing is all about engagement. That means creating content that is interesting, informative, and interactive.

More Personalized Content

As the world becomes more and more connected, consumers are looking for more personalized content. They want content that is relevant to their interests and needs.

More engaging content formats

We can expect to see more engaging content formats in the future. This could include things like videos, infographics, quizzes, and polls.

More use of AI and machine learning

AI and machine learning will play a big role in the future of content marketing. This technology can help marketers create more personalized and relevant content.

More focus on voice search

Voice search is becoming more popular every day. And as it does, content marketers will need to optimize their content for this type of search.

More use of AR and VR

AR and VR will also become more popular in the world of content marketing. This technology can create immersive experiences that are memorable and engaging.

2. Put Emphasis on Better Content Experience (CX)

It's no secret that the landscape of content marketing is constantly evolving. What worked yesterday may not work today, and what works today may not work tomorrow.

As we look to the future, it's important to put an emphasis on creating a better content experience for our audience. Here are three ways to do just that:

1. Make it Interactive

In the age of the internet, people are used to being able to interact with the content they consume. Whether it's through comments, social media, or forums, we're constantly looking for ways to engage with the content we're consuming.

As content marketers, we need to take advantage of this by making our content more interactive. We can do this by incorporating polls, quizzes, and other forms of interactivity into our content. This will not only make our content more engaging, but it will also help us better understand our audience and what they're looking for.

2. Make it Personal

One of the best ways to create a better content experience is to make it personal. We can do this by creating content that is tailored to our audience's specific needs and interests.

By personalizing our content, we're able to create a more intimate connection with our audience. This connection will not only make them more likely to engage with our content, but it will also make them more likely to remember it and come back for more.

3. Make it Visual

In today's world, people are bombarded with information from all sides. In order to stand out, we need to make sure our content is visually appealing.

We can do this by incorporating images, infographics, and videos into our content. By making our content more visually appealing, we're more likely to grab attention and keep people engaged.

As we look to the future of content marketing, it's important to keep these three things in mind. By putting an emphasis on creating a better content experience, we're more likely to succeed in today's ever-changing landscape.

3. Virtual Reality (VR) in Content Marketing

We are all familiar with the term "Virtual Reality" (VR), but what exactly is it?

Virtual reality is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. Applications of virtual reality include entertainment (e.g. video games) and education (e.g. medical or military training). Other potential uses include shopping, architecture, engineering, and much more.

The key component of VR is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. This environment can be similar to the real world or it can be completely imaginary.

For example, in a VR game, you may be able to explore a virtual world that looks and feels like the real world. Or, you could find yourself in a completely imaginary world that has its own set of rules and physics.

When you put on a VR headset, you are transported into this simulated world. You can look around and interact with the environment just as you would in the real world. This immersion is what makes VR so exciting and has led to its increasing popularity in recent years.

As content marketers, we need to understand how we can use VR to create engaging and immersive experiences for our audiences. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Create a VR experience that takes your audience on a tour of your product or service.
  2. Give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your company or brand.
  3. Create an interactive VR experience that allows your audience to experiment with your product or service.
  4. Tell a story or create an educational experience for your audience.
  5. Create an immersive brand experience that brings your audience closer to your company or product.
  6. Create an unforgettable customer service experience.
  7. Train your employees on new procedures or products.
  8. Create a safety simulation for your employees or customers.
  9. Show off your company's new office space or facilities.
  10. Give a tour of your city or country for potential customers or investors.

These are just a few ideas to get you started on using VR in content marketing. As the technology continues to evolve, there will be even more opportunities for content marketers to use VR to create engaging and immersive experiences for their audiences. So, start thinking about how you can use VR in your content marketing strategy and stay ahead of the curve!

5. Personalization and Hyper-personalization Strategies

What is Content Personalization?

Personalization is the process of tailoring content and experiences to fit the specific needs and interests of an individual. In other words, it’s about making someone feel like the content or experience is meant just for them.

People have been personalizing content since the early days of mass media. In the 1930s, radio DJs would read listeners’ names on the air, making them feel like part of the show. In the 1950s, TV shows like The Ed Sullivan Show would often feature members of the audience on camera.

Now, with the advent of digital technology, we can take personalization to a whole new level. We can use data to deliver highly customized content and experiences that are far more relevant and engaging than anything that came before.

Why is Content Personalization Important?

In a world where we are bombarded with content and messages from all sides, personalization is more important than ever. It helps us cut through the noise and connect with our audience on a deeper level.

Think about it this way: If you’re scrolling through your Facebook feed and you see a post from a friend about their new baby, that’s going to stop you in your tracks. But if you see a post from a brand selling baby products, you’re likely to keep scrolling.

The difference is that the first post is personalized—it’s relevant to you and your interests. The second post is not.

As consumers, we crave relevance. We want content and experiences that speak to us on a personal level. And as marketers, we have the opportunity to deliver it.

How Can You Personalize Your Content?

There are two main approaches to personalization:

1. Segmentation:

This is the process of dividing your audience into groups based on shared characteristics like age, gender, location, or interests. Once you’ve segmented your audience, you can create content that appeals specifically to each group.

2. Hyper-personalization:

This is a more sophisticated approach that uses data and technology to deliver highly personalized content to individuals. With hyper-personalization, you can target each person with a unique message that is tailored to their specific needs and interests.

Which approach is right for you? It depends on your goals and your audience. If you’re just getting started with personalization, segmentation is a good place to start. Once you’ve mastered segmentation, you can begin to experiment with hyper-personalization.

Best Practices of Hyper-personalization in Content Marketing

Here are some tips for getting started:

  1. Start with segmentation:
    As we mentioned, segmentation is a good place to start if you’re new to personalization. Begin by dividing your audience into groups based on shared characteristics like age, gender, location, or interests. Then, create content that appeals specifically to each group.

  2. Use data to inform your decisions:
    Data is key when it comes to personalization. Collect data about your audience’s needs, interests, and behavior. This will help you create more relevant and engaging content.

  3. Experiment with hyper-personalization:
    Once you’ve mastered segmentation, you can begin to experiment with hyper-personalization. This approach uses data and technology to deliver highly personalized content to individuals. Start by targeting each person with a unique message that is tailored to their specific needs and interests.

  4. Personalize your website:
    Your website is a great place to start personalizing your content. Use data collected from your website visitors to create custom messages and experiences for them.

  5. Automate your process:
    Once you have a handle on personalization, you can automate your process using marketing automation software. This will help you scale your efforts and reach more people with personalized content.

Personalization is a powerful tool that can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level. By segmenting your audience and tailoring your content to their specific needs and interests, you can create more relevant and engaging experiences that will stand out in today’s noisy world.

6. Video Content Marketing in 2023

With the ever-changing landscape of the internet, it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends.

One of the most popular trends in content marketing right now is using video. And it's no surprise why. Videos are engaging, they're easy to consume, and can be a great way to tell your brand's story.

But what does the future of video content in content marketing look like?

Here are a few predictions for the future of video content in content marketing:

1. Video Will Become Even More Important

There's no doubt that a video is already a powerful tool for content marketers. But as more and more people consume content online, video is only going to become more important.

2. More Brands Will Use Live Video

Live video is a great way to connect with your audience in a real and authentic way. And as more brands start using live video, we'll see even more innovative and creative uses for it.

3. We'll See More Interactive Video Content

Interactive video is a great way to keep your audience engaged and involved with your content. And as technology advances, we'll only see more and more interactive video content.

4. Video Will Be Used More for Lead Generation

As video becomes more and more popular, it will become an increasingly important tool for lead generation. More and more businesses will use video to capture leads and turn them into customers.

5. Personalized Video Will Become More Common

A personalized video is a great way to connect with your audience on a deeper level. And as technology gets better at personalizing video content, we'll see more and more brands using it to connect with their audiences.

7. Content marketing in the times of Recession era

Here are a few ways to make your business recession-proof:

A). Know Where to Cut Back vs. Where to Spend More

B). Why Outsourcing Your Content is Never a Bad Idea

C). Your Recession-Proof Content Marketing Strategy

Let's explain them one by one.

A). Know Where to Cut Back vs. Where to Spend More

In order to make your business recession-proof, you need to know where to cut back and where to spend more.

One of the first places you should look at cutting back is your marketing budget. Marketing is one of the first areas businesses tend to cut when trying to save money.

However, this can be a mistake. If you want your business to survive a recession, you need to continue marketing it, even if that means making some cuts in other areas.

One way to cut back on your marketing budget is by reducing the amount you spend on paid advertising. Instead, focus on content marketing and organic search engine optimization (SEO).

These methods are more likely to result in long-term customers than paid ads, which can be turned off as soon as the economy improves. Another way to reduce costs is by outsourcing your content creation. There are many companies that specialize in creating high-quality content for a fraction of the cost of hiring an in-house team. This will allow you to free up time and resources so you can focus on other aspects of running your business during a recession.

B). Why Outsourcing Your Content is Never a Bad Idea

Outsourcing your content creation is never a bad idea, regardless of whether there's a recession or not. In fact, it's often one of the smartest things you can do for your business.

Here's why:

It saves you time. Creating quality content takes time – time that could be spent working on other aspects of your business or simply enjoying life outside of work! By outsourcing this task, you can free up valuable hours in your day so you can focus on what matters most to you and your company.

C). Your Recession-Proof Content Marketing Strategy

A recession can be a difficult time for businesses, but it doesn't have to mean the end of your content marketing efforts. In fact, with a little bit of planning, you can use a recession as an opportunity to improve your content marketing strategy and come out ahead of your competitors.

Here are a few tips for creating a recession-proof content marketing strategy:

1) Plan ahead

The key to any successful content marketing strategy is planning. By taking the time to map out your goals and objectives, you'll be in a better position to weather any economic downturn.

2) Be flexible:

A recession can be unpredictable, so it's important to be flexible with your content marketing strategy. If one approach isn't working, don't be afraid to try something new.

3) Focus on quality:

During a recession, people are more likely to be careful with their money. This means they'll be looking for high-quality products and services that offer value for their investment. As such, it's important to focus on creating quality content that will appeal to this type of customer.

Dishbrain Intelligence or Organic AI (Corticallabs)

What is Dishbrain Intelligence?

The term “Dishbrain Intelligence” consists of two words “Dishbrain” and “Intelligence”. Dishbrain is a lab-grown mesh of brain cells (neurons) of a human. When this mesh is connected with microchips with a reward-punishment mechanism, we are able to consume the natural intelligence of these neurons.

This means the microchips will be now consuming the processing power of a biological processor called the “brain”. Of course, this will lower the humungous costs of IT servers and energy resources.

Dishbrain is power beyond limits at an affordable price.

What does Dishbrain have in store for Content Marketing?

With the invention of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies till 2022, the world is able to generate valuable content much faster than ever. But “artificial” intelligence has its limitations. Dishbrain is capable of making a breakthrough by generating content that is closer to human-level creativity and intelligence.

Search Engine Marketing

Dishbrain has been reported to be much faster in learning new things than any of the previously experienced technologies.

This capacity opens doors for a highly advanced search engine ranking system.

It’s possible for a Dishbrain to store billions of GBs of data, and process it at the speed of light in real time.

This means, the Dishbrain search engine would be able to keep track of all your past search behavior and patterns, and upon a new search query it will be able to suggest content that’s most relevant to you.

Behind the scenes, this new search engine would be able to make more deep links between pages and make more sense of the content just like a human reader. The level of comprehension of Dishbrain search engines would be beyond the limits of any artificial intelligence system.

This can certainly be beneficial for websites that put tons of effort into creating quality content. However, websites that are just regurgitating content for the sake of SEO would face a heavy downfall.

Massive Content Production

With the help of AI, technologies like Visual Studio Code are offering intelli-sense, which means that if a programmer is writing a code, the software will automatically be able to guess what the next code could be.

Similarly, most of the other apps like Gmail, Outlook, and Google Docs are offering such sentence completion capabilities that work on the go.

With the help of Dishbrain Intelligence, these apps can suggest more relevant and creative content.

This ultimately begets long-form content production, which is to date a contribution of Artificial Intelligence. However, with the help of a more mature model of Dishbrain Intelligence, companies would be able to generate content for blog posts, ebooks, and even complete movies and documentaries

Frequenly Asked Questions (FAQs) Related to Content Marketing

What are some common beginner mistakes in content marketing?

A good command of the English language is obviously a must, but beyond that, you

One of the most common beginner mistakes in content marketing is failing to plan. Without a plan, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and bogged down in the details. Instead, take some time to map out your goals, target audience, and the overall tone and feel of your content.

Another mistake is not being consistent. It’s important to post regularly, whether that’s once a week or once a day. Consistency will help you build an audience and keep them engaged.

Finally, don’t forget to promote your content. Just because you’ve published it doesn’t mean people will automatically see it. Share it on social media, email it to your list, and make sure your target audience knows where to find it.

Which is the best strategy: SEO or content marketing?

There’s no easy answer when it comes to SEO vs. content marketing. Both strategies are important for driving traffic and leads, and which one you prioritize will depend on your business goals.

If your goal is to increase brand awareness, then content marketing is a better bet. Content marketing can help you build thought leadership and establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

On the other hand, if your goal is to drive more leads and sales, then SEO is a better strategy. SEO can help you rank higher in search results and get in front of potential customers who are actively searching for your products or services.

Both SEO and content marketing are important, and which one you prioritize will depend on your business goals. If you’re not sure where to start, try experimenting with both strategies to see what works best for you.

How do you measure content marketing?

The success metrics can vary from company to company as their goals can be different. However, there are some common metrics that are often used to measure content marketing success, such as website traffic, engagement, and leads/sales.

If your goal is to increase website traffic, you can measure this by tracking the number of unique visitors to your website or blog. You can also track how much time users are spending on your site, and which pages they're visiting most often.

If your goal is to increase engagement, you can measure this by tracking the number of social media shares, comments, and likes your content receives. You can also track how often users click through to your website from your social media posts.

If your goal is to generate leads or sales, you can measure this by tracking the number of leads or sales that are generated from your content. You can also track how much revenue your content generates.

No matter what your goals are, it's important to track your progress and measure your success so you can continue to improve your content marketing strategy.

5 things you'd tell a newbie to content marketing to learn about?

If you're new to content marketing, there are a few things you should know. Here are 5 things you should learn about content marketing:

  1. Content marketing is all about creating valuable, relevant, and engaging content to attract and retain customers.
  2. Content marketing is not about selling. It's about providing value and building relationships.
  3. Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to content marketing.
  4. Content marketing requires planning and strategy.
  5. You need to measure your results to see if your content marketing efforts are paying off.

Are there any good playbooks on how to do content marketing on LinkedIn?

If you do a quick google research, you will be able to see this one: “LinkedIn Content Marketing Tactical Plan” published by LinkedIn.



What makes a successful B2B content marketing strategy?

Firstly, they start with a clear understanding of the target audience. The content must be relevant and interesting to the people who will be reading it, and it should be written in a style that appeals to them.

Secondly, they focus on creating quality content. This means writing articles, blog posts, and other pieces that are well-researched, well-written, and informative. The goal is to provide value to the reader, not to sell them something.

Thirdly, they make use of various channels to reach the target audience. This might include social media, email marketing, paid advertising, and so on.

Finally, successful B2B content marketing strategies are always evolving. The best way to keep your content marketing strategy fresh is to regularly review your performance and make changes and adjustments as needed.

If you can tick all of these boxes, then you’re well on your way to creating a successful B2B content marketing strategy.

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